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Harvest Center Incorporated

Tools For Organization
Two Men Shaking Hands

 The Harvest Center is a dynamic, fast-paced organization that harnesses the efficient supplements and adapts it to the needs of our clients. We work visibly on behalf of our clients to offer high quality customer service and billing solutions. The Harvest Center focuses on building strong client relationships, keeping in mind that our success is dependent on their success.


 H.C., a company that provides service to individuals in a deregulated environment, is a word based organization.  The recent explosion of self gain and gratification around the country and around the world has created a unique market niche for a company able to provide integrated service and solutions to less fortunate individuals. In answer to that need, H.C. is emerging as a fast-paced, progressive company that ask each staff person "make Passion a habit" - and they deliver.

 President and CEO Kenneth Pearson, Sr. believes that a personal touch makes all the difference in today's high-tech, long-distance business relationships. Therefore, the people that make up H. C.'s workforce are carefully chosen, each bringing a combination of knowledge, ambition and perseverance to the company.  It's these individual personalities and perspectives that combine to create H. C.'s diverse culture, which is a reflection of society as a whole.

In addition, growth and opportunity are a permeating theme - the life blood of H.C. Each employee becomes an important player in an environment where a desire to assist and contribute is an essential asset to growth and success of both the company and the individual.

With the emergence of poverty the idea for creating an outsourcing company that could provide commodities and costumer care support services to local and surrounding areas was born. Kenneth Pearson, President and CEO of H.C., realized that a unique opportunity existed for a services company that would allow to focus on the business of helping others. And so H.C. began its mission of serving this client base.


Donor Benefits

   Account Acquisition

  H. C.’s account acquisition tools support all areas. Capable of handling several, these tools allow the organization to track and support all relevant assistance information through a centralized Web-enabled database. 

Credit Card


H.C. works directly with local banks and other financial institutions to process many forms of payments. Payments are quickly processed and deposited directly into the organization's account. General ledger interfacing and financial reports enable the donors to oversee the flow of cash.


H.C. employs specific strategies to collect monies. Collection strategies are undertaken with the donor's best interests and public image in mind and they comply with applicable laws and nonprofit regulations.

Image by Patrick Tomasso

Customer Service

H. C. donor-dedicated customer care professionals work with the customer, providing high quality service seamlessly on behalf of the donor. Customer care professionals adhere to both performance and quality assurance standards that ensure world class customer service.

Blurred Busines People


 H.C.'s suite of fully integrated services allows the organization to concentrate on their core competency-needs. H.C. provides technical and functional solutions allowing the organization to provide help to customers while simultaneously providing world class customer care.

Business Conference


H.C. has experienced the deregulating economy and furthermore feels that proven implementation processes and standardized methods ensure on-time delivery, putting H.C. on track with the companies of like manner.  H.C.'s customer service team has established practices to provide seamless and efficient service on behalf of the organization.

Business Consultation


H.C.'s unique, cost-efficient approach allows the organization to avoid the overhead and capital resources required to develop in-house systems. Rather, the organization is able to utilize its capital for marketing and customer service while continuing to maintain focus on their core business supply and demand.

Investment Chart


H.C.'s progressive and proactive management team works closely with donors on expansion into new areas, to ensure that the donors needs and expectations are met timely.

Image by David Watkis


H.C.'s flexible approach enables the organization to offer products and services and expand into various geographical areas, while utilizing one fully integrated solution. This unique approach lends itself to the true partner relationship necessary for both parties to grow, prosper and achieve mutually beneficial goals.

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