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Image by Alex Radelich



To take potential juvenile offensive boys as well as previous offenders out of offensive situations and put them in an environment where they will receive respect and give respect. Teach these guys self-respect and discipline from a military standpoint.


We will teach them to appreciate others, and help them to appreciate who they are as men and why they are men. Give them direction and a mentor for life. They will learn to work together, and how to get the best perception from those around them. 


Image by Khamkéo Vilaysing

Thesis Statement: 

The J. 0. B. program will take juvenile offensive boys, high school dropouts, community offenders, problem children from school and homes, and even through court systems and develop him into a respectful man. Minimal 6 weeks and for ns long as it takes. 


Basketball Game

I.    Training Courses

A.    Mental focus classes
B.    Physical activities
C.    Job search training
D.    How to handle themselves and others.
Image by Tobias Mrzyk

II. Discipline

A. Seminars
B. Close Monitoring
C. Drill Teams (boot camp)
Men in Suits

III. Appearance

A. Dress codes
B. Professional conduct
Taking an Exam



A. Math study courses
B. English study courses
US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage



A. Retired teachers, military personnel, police officials, ministers, and volunteers.
B. Civic and public associates

C. Board of Directors

We are inviting you to become a part of a great organization that's really doing things in your community. We are meeting the people where they are, either in poverty, domestic abuse, domestic violence, senior citizen assistance, youth development, etc. We need you as a financial backup.


We have obtained a small grant to assist only IO families, we are seeking more funds and grant writers, but unfortunately, we have not achieved this at present. So, we really need your support. We are a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization incorporated through the state of Mississippi. Please become a partner to the community and The Harvest Center, Inc.


As a partner the community will know who supports them, there will be free advertisement for your business, and there will be other benefits along with upfront information about the organization and its stability and open meetings that you are invited to attend and help govern.


Please send your very best gift today, and in your giving apply Psalms 41: 1-3, and Proverbs 28:27 to your Life and gift and I guarantee that it will not be in vain. Every dime will be used to help some hurting family.


Thank you for that generous gift.  

For more information about our ministries. please click the button below.

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